Friday, December 25, 2009

Put the "RELIEF" in Relief Society Activity

A special class on coping with depression and thoughts about the relationship of depression to the gospel will be held at the Cedar 4th Overflow (between the chapel and the gym) on JANUARY 5TH at 6:30pm. Whether you or someone you care about struggles with depression, we hope this evening will be filled with helpful information and uplifting thoughts. Come join us for an evening of encouragement and ideas about how to help those you love. January 5th @ 6:30pm....see you there.

Put the "RELIF

Thanks for a successful Christmas activity!

We were THRILLED with the number of you that were able to join us at our Relief Society Christmas activity! What a wonderful evening of fine company and uplifting ideas. Thanks especially to Sisters Mortenson, Cogdill and Hall; your thoughts on ways put Christ at the center of our celebrations brought a great spirit. And a big thanks to all of you that helped with decorations and food couldn't have been the great evening it was without your help! We sure love you all and it's a pleasure to spend this times with you.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Night of Chistmas Traditions

Save December 8th for an evening a fun Christmas tradition ideas. We'll start early (at 6pm) and have a light supper before the rest of the events. More details later!!

Beethoven's 9th

Beethoven's Ninth will be performed by the ISU Camerata choir and IF Symphony at the Stephens Fine Art Center on Nov. 6th. Tickets are available at the Stephens ticket office.

Beethoven and Butterbrickle

Bring your spouse or friends. Meet at the church at 6pm Friday Oct.16th to car pool over to the university for Dr. Scot Anderson's presentation on Beethoven and his Ninth Symphony. The RS will foot the bill for ice cream afterwards.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Temple time

The temple trippers will leave the church parking lot at 4:45pm on Wednesday Sept. 30th in order to give us some time to get in the spirit of things as we attend the 6pm session. Come join us and start your conference weekend with a super spirit.